RHS Chelsea Flower Show Charity Gala Preview


LAST UPDATED: August 2024

These Terms and Conditions (“Terms” and “Gala Terms”) apply to the ballot and sale of tickets for the RHS Chelsea Flower Show Charity Gala Preview (the “Gala”) held on the date set out in our email inviting you to apply for tickets for the Gala.

Tickets for the Gala are sold by RHS Special Events Limited, a company registered in England and Wales (company number 03119017) with a registered address at 80 Vincent Square, London, SW1P 2PE.


  1. References in the Terms to “RHS”, “we”, “us” and “our” shall, for the purpose of sale of the Gala tickets, be construed as references to RHS Special Events Limited
  2. By entering the Ballot (as described below) and/or purchasing tickets for the Gala, you are agreeing to these Gala Terms
  3. Under 18s are not permitted into the Gala. If you purchase tickets for under 18s, they will not be permitted entry and tickets will not be refunded

Due to high demand, tickets for the Gala are allocated via a ballot (“Ballot”). Unless you are a Fellow of the RHS, submitting an application to the Ballot does not guarantee you will receive tickets. Fellows of the RHS will be entitled to two tickets and must submit applications for any further tickets.
  1. To enter the Ballot, applications must be made online via the official portal at Login – RHS Chelsea Flower Show Charity Gala Preview no later than the Closing Date advised to you in the email inviting you to apply. We will not accept applications received by any other method and we may disregard applicationsreceived after the Closing Date
  2. Entries to the Ballot are limited to only one application for one ticket type per company or household within the Ballot. We reserve the right to exclude duplicate entries. Agencies booking on behalf of companies must advise RHS of the client’s company name on application. The booking in this case is attributed to the company and not the agency
  3. All applications submitted by the Closing Date will be considered against the available ticket capacity. The result of the Ballot shall be entirely at RHS’ discretion and our decision in all matters relating to the Ballot shall be final
  4. Following the Closing Date, RHS will notify you if you have been successful in the Ballot using the contact details provided with your application
  5. Further information relating to the Ballot and how to apply can be found at on the RHS Chelsea Flower Show Charity Gala Preview FAQs


  1. If you have been successful in the Ballot, you will be notified by email and should make payment for all tickets applied for through the Portal, as soon as possible after being notified by RHS, and in any event no later than the “Due Date”. For the purposes of these Gala Terms, the “Due Date” shall mean the date specified by RHS as the last date and time on which payment can be made, which will ordinarily be 30 calendar days from the date RHS notifies you your application has been successful
  2. If you do not make payment in full by the Due Date for payment, RHS reserves the right to cancel your booking and your tickets will be re-allocated


  1. Tickets shall not be issued to the applicant until payment has been received in full
  2. Tickets will then be dispatched no earlier than one month prior to the event
  3. Tickets will be sent by recorded delivery to the delivery address you specified in your application. For your own security, tickets cannot be posted overseas. If you do not have a UK address, please contact us via [email protected] to provide an alternative delivery address or arrange for tickets to be collected from the RHS office or on the gate at the Gala
  4. RHS cannot accept responsibility for loss of tickets once posted by the RHS. If you wish to make alternative arrangements for collecting your tickets, this must be arranged in advance with RHS by contacting [email protected]
  5. RHS reserves the right to issue electronic tickets in place of physical tickets
  6. For security reasons, RHS reserves the right to require you to provide a full guest list of names, equal to the total number of tickets purchased. If RHS notifies you of such requirement, you shall provide such information at least 14 days in advance of the Gala to RHS and only the named guests you notified to RHS will be permitted entry to the Gala. If you need to change the guest names previously notified to RHS, please contact us via [email protected] to discuss any updates


  1. You must not resell Gala tickets or use a third party website to sell tickets. If we become aware that the tickets have been resold, we reserve the right to deny entry to a ticketholder
  2. You must not use tickets for an event as prizes in promotions, hospitality or travel packages, auctions, sweepstakes, fundraising, raffles, lotteries or competitions (including charity auctions, lotteries or competitions)
  3. If you cannot attend the Gala, then you may: give your tickets to a friend, colleague or family member provided that: you notify and inform them that the tickets remain subject to these Gala Terms; the guest is known to you personally, such as your family and friends, and it is for their personal use only; the gift takes place in consideration of no payment or benefit which is in excess of the face value of that ticket; and you shall be responsible for their conduct and their compliance with these Terms. You must notify us of the name, address and contact details of the new guest(s)
  4. If you are unable to give away your tickets in accordance with clause 5.3, you must return them to us for us to attempt to resell the tickets. In respect of returned tickets:
    (a) We maintain a waiting list for Gala tickets and provided you return the tickets at least 14 days before the date of the Gala we will use reasonable endeavours to attempt to resell any tickets that are returned, but make no guarantee that ticketswill be resold; and
    (b) We will only refund you the face value less an administration charge of £25 per ticket if those tickets are successfully resold by us and we are in full receipt of the purchase monies for those tickets
  5. We will replace your Gala tickets if they are lost, damaged or stolen provided you are not in breach of these Gala Terms and you can provide us with the barcode number. You agree to co-operate with us and provide us any documentary evidence we may reasonably require in order to replace a lost, damaged or stolen ticket. Any replacement Gala ticket issued by us will immediately invalidate the original ticket that has been lost, damaged or stolen including if such ticket is subsequently found, repaired or returned.
  6. We are not responsible for any loss you suffer in respect of tickets purchased in breach of these Gala Terms and you should direct any claims for compensation or recourse to any third parties


  1. While every effort is made to present Gala packages exactly as described, RHS reserves the right to alter as reasonably necessary the details set out in the application provided RHS shall ensure that the overall package is not radically different from that originally offered


  1. Please note, there is a dress code for the Gala
  2. The dress code for the Gala is lounge suit or cocktail dress and allowance should be made for inclement weather


  1. If you leave the premises of the Gala, you will not be re-admitted
  2. Animals cannot be admitted to the Gala, except for guide and assistance dogs
  3. You must comply with oral and/or written instructions issued by RHS management, stewards and/or police officers. We reserve the right to refuse you admission, or to eject you from the Gala, if you do not comply with oral and/or written instructions. If your admission is lawfully refused or refused in accordance with these Terms, or if you are reasonably ejected or excluded for whatever reason, no money will be refunded or compensation provided
  4. You and your property are liable to be searched by authorised personnel on entry and at any other time during the Gala. Failure to submit to any requested search by authorised personnel will lead to refusal of admission or ejection and may also lead to exclusion
  5. You must not breach or infringe the rights of any sponsors, suppliers, broadcasters or other parties commercially associated with the Gala
  6. You must not (unless authorised by us in writing in advance) conduct promotions or commercial activity, including the distribution or offer for sale of any newspaper, periodical, drink, food, merchandise, ticket or any other article
  7. You must not (unless authorised by us in writing in advance) conduct a charitable collection
  8. The consumption of intoxicating liquors is permitted only in the bars or other authorised areas or places during hours decided by RHS, and the right is reserved to close bars at any time
  9. Smoking is banned in all enclosed spaces
  10. Any photography, recording or filming at the Gala or the use of cameras, phones, video or other recording or transmission equipment shall be for personal use only and not for any commercial purposes. Any equipment used for commercial purposes may be confiscated if such use is suspected. Any images, photographs or recordings at the Gala may not be sold or used commercially without our prior written consent. We (or our licensors) own all intellectual property rights in images or recordings taken
  11. Filming, photography and broadcasting may take place during the Gala and you acknowledge and agree that by attending your images may be captured and used in connection with the same (for example, television broadcast). You give your express consent to the use of your actual or simulated likeness and voice in connection with the production, exploitation and advertising of the Gala without compensation or credit, throughout the world
  12. RHS will be not be liable for any loss, theft or damage to any person attending the Gala, your personal belongings or property or any vehicle or its contents in any car park, however caused, save for any death or personal injury as a result of our negligence or other breach of statutory duty or other type of liability which cannot by law be excluded or limited
  13. The following items are prohibited (“Prohibited Items”): any objects or clothing bearing political or offensive statements or commercial identification intended for ambush marketing, large flags, banners, rattles, fireworks and other explosive devices, flares, pyrotechnics, air horns, musical instruments, klaxons, smoke canisters, laser pointers, cooking devices, bicycles, skates, articles which could or might be used as a weapon (including firearms and any sharp or pointed objects such as knives) and any other item which in the reasonable opinion of RHS could be used as a weapon or cause nuisance or harm to others. If you are found with a Prohibited Item, this item will be confiscated by authorised personnel and you may be ejected. The item will be disposed of without compensation unless you return the item to a safe place
  14. The following activities are prohibited and any person who in our reasonable opinion carries out or is likely to carry out such an activity may be ejected and excluded from the Gala: the use of foul or abusive language, obscene or indecent gestures or chanting, including threatening, abusive or insulting language directed to a person by reason of their colour, race, sexuality, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origins; any dangerous behaviour; any unnecessary noise or behaviour likely to cause distress, confusion or nuisance of any kind and/or interrupt filming; the climbing onto buildings, fences, walls, structures or fittings; the obstruction of gangways, access ways, exits, entrances and stairways; the unauthorised carrying, wearing, distribution, display or other use of promotional, commercial, offensive, political or religious printed matter, including but not limited to leaflets, banners, clothing, signs, symbols; the carrying, wearing, distribution, display or other use of ambush marketing (an activity by a party which utilises the publicity value of an event without having any official involvement or connection with the event) material


  1. One companion can be admitted free of charge per wheelchair user, visually impaired visitor or other person whose disability necessitates a carer. Such companion tickets must be mentioned at the time of ticket purchase and cannot be applied for in retrospect. Please contact us via [email protected] for any information regarding accessibility


  1. We reserve the right, acting reasonably, to cancel, reschedule and/or close the Gala at any time (for, example, due to unfavourable weather conditions, security concerns, government regulations or for any other reasonable cause as determined by us). If we cancel the event we will offer you a refund. If the Gala is closed for: more than 50% of the time for which your ticket is valid and grants you access, then you may claim a refund for the face value of the ticket; or if closed for 50% or less of the time for which your ticket is valid and grants you to access, then you shall not be entitled to claim any refund. Refunds will only be made to the original purchaser of the tickets
  2. We will determine how long the Gala is open or closed, acting reasonably, and our decision shall be final
  3. If you are entitled to a refund under these Terms, as an alternative to a refund, we may offer you tickets to a rescheduled Gala or the option to donate the face value of the ticket as a charitable donation to the RHS. If you do not choose either of these alternatives, you will still be entitled to claim for a full refund in accordance with these Terms
  4. If you have not been contacted by us and believe you are entitled to a refund, then you must apply for a refund within 30 days of the date you became entitled to that refund. Failure to do so means that you shall not be entitled to any refund. Applications for any refund should be sent to [email protected]
  5. Our liability for cancellation, rescheduling or closing the Gala (in whole or part) shall be limited to providing you with tickets to a rescheduled Gala or providing you a refund in accordance with these Gala Terms and we shall have no further liability to you or any other ticket holder in relation to any other losses, costs or expenses, including without limitation, the costs of any travel, accommodation or other arrangements made by you in connection with the Gala


  1. If you have any questions in relation to the Gala, you can always contact us at [email protected]


  1. The Gala may include the display, marketing and/or sale of goods or services by third party exhibitors and although the RHS takes reasonable care in the selection of exhibitors, the RHS does not endorse third party products or services and accepts no liability in respect of any defective products or services provided by any exhibitor to you
  2. If you purchase any goods or services from exhibitors, such contract will be entirely between you and the relevant exhibitor. The RHS shall not be a party to and accepts no liability to you in respect of such arrangement. Any complaints in respect of third party goods or services should be made directly to the relevant exhibitor
  3. RHS may make changes to the format, layout and nature of the Gala and makes no guarantee that any particular exhibitor or person shall attend


  1. When you apply for the Gala tickets, your personal data will be processed for the purposes of administrating the Ballot, and to contact you if your application is successful or to email you about future Gala Ballots. Your personal data will be retained by RHS for 6 years (if we do not receive a response from you within 6 years from date of first contact) or it will be retained until you opt-out from our Gala Ballots emails
  2. You can unsubscribe from our Gala Ballot emails by clicking on ‘Unsubscribe’ at the bottom of our email or opt-out from our communications at any time by contacting [email protected]
  3. If you have purchased a Gala ticket, your personal data will be processed by the RHS and our official partners, to arrange for your tickets to be dispatched, provide you with catering or any goods or services that you have ordered, issuing you with access passes and send you such information that may be helpful for you to attend the Gala
  4. Due to the high profile nature of this event, the personal data of successful applicants, may be shared with the Metropolitan Police (only if ever requested by them for the purposes of law enforcement or national security)
  5. You acknowledge that we will have CCTV cameras operating at the Gala for the purposes of crime prevention and public safety
  6. You also acknowledge that we will have photography and filming taking place at our events. Photography and filming notices will be displayed within the Showground. The photographs and films will be used for RHS promotional purposes and will be shared with other organisations for this purpose. Please contact [email protected] if you do not wish to be filmed or photographed
  7. Please read the ‘Customers’ section in our Privacy Policy page on our website, which sets out how we handle your data and how you can exercise your rights under the Data Protection Legislation


  1. Your purchase and possession of a ticket for the Gala does not confer any rights (by implication or otherwise) on you to use, alter, copy or otherwise deal with any of the symbols, trademarks, logos and/or intellectual property appearing on the ticket
  2. You and/or any Guest may be required at any time to produce a ticket for inspection by us
  3. If you wish to make a complaint, please contact us before the Gala. If you experience any issues during the Gala, please bring this to the immediate attention of Event Security or within 30 days of your visit, to aid us in resolving the issue
  4. We reserve the right to change these Gala Terms from time to time if we have a valid reason to do so (for example, to comply with any applicable law or new regulatory requirement or to ensure that personnel attending are safe and secure and that we are able to monitor the capacity of the Gala). If we make changes to the Gala Terms in accordance with this provision, we will post the revised Gala Terms on our website and update the “Last Updated” date at the top of these Gala Terms. If you disagree with the updated Gala Terms, you should promptly get in contact with us prior to attending. If a change we make to these Gala Terms materially alters the Gala or your rights and obligations, you shall be entitled to a refund or exchange of your tickets in accordance with these Terms, provided that you notify us within 30 days of us notifying you of the updated Terms
  5. Each of the clauses of these Terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful or unenforceable, the remaining clauses will remain in full force and effect
  6. If we fail to insist that you perform any of your obligations, or if we do not enforce our rights against you, or if we delay in doing so, that will not mean that we have waived our rights against you and will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If we do waive a default by you, we will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that we will automatically waive any later default by you
  7. These Terms, and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them, are governed by English law

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